Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dubliners, Counterparts Essay

1. The main character of the story is Farrington, an alcoholic who works as a clerk, and is bullied and verbally abused by his boss, Mr. Alleyne. Miss Delacour plays the role of a wealthy client. Mr. Shelley is the head clerk at Farrington’s office. The characters Nosey Flynne, O’Halloran, Callan, Paddy Leonard are the men whom Farrington spends his evenings with, drinking at pubs. Weathers is one of the younger men who meet with him at the pubs, in this story he beat Farrington at arm wrestling. Tom is Farrington’s son who, at the end of the story, is beaten by his drunken father. 2. â€Å"He had done for himself in the office, pawned his watch, spend all of his money; and he had not even got drunk† (95). Farrington’s life is repetitious, working as a clerk and producing copies all day long is the type of repetition that adds to his misery. Alcohol plays a key part in his depression and is the highlight of his day, it is the reason for him to pawn his watch and spend his remains on alcohol. Similar to his repetitious life in the office, drinking with his friends is a part of his daily routine as well. Every evening Farrington and his friends take turns buying rounds for each other, spending and consuming, again and again. Weathers is a character that plays a significant role in Farrington’s realization about how his routines and traditions do not benefit him, but instead harm him. Each of his problems follows him wherever he goes. For an example, he brought his problems with his boss, Mr. Alleyne, from work to the pub with him, and while he continued to drink, those problems only began to snowball and irritate him more. He also brought his problems back into his home with him later that night, and took them out on his son by beating him. It is clear that Farrington is oblivious to his anger and does not know that the he makes bad choices. His work life is the same as his social life and his family life. There is not a part of his life can let him break away from from any other part because every aspect has the ability to make him very angry. By making bad choices such as pawning his watch, drinking excessively, and being rude to his boss, Farrington consistently continues to make life worse for himself. 3. Farrington is an office clerk who is treated poorly by his boss. Upon having to complete a task at work, it becomes apparent that Farrington is a lazy alcoholic as he sneaks out of the office to get a quick drink and never finishes his job. Mr. Alleyne gets angry at Farrington, yells at him, and ends up embarrassing him in front of a Miss Delacour, which makes Farrington feel even more miserable. Later on, Farrington pawns his watch in exchange for alcohol money, and goes out with his friends to the pub for the rest of the night. The more Farrington drinks, he becomes increasingly upset throughout the night, thinking about his lifestyle and drinking habits. In the end, when he got home to a cold dinner and found that the fire to warm it had gone out, he scolded his young son Tom, who pleaded for mercy. 4. The central conflict of the story is escape combined with the abuse of alcohol. Throughout the story Farrington was feeling trapped and wished to escape that lonely and miserable feeling. He was very angry and he had given up on himself by slacking at work, pawning his watch, and spending all of his money. Farrington’s realization these trapped feelings became apparent when the narrator said, â€Å"He had lost his reputation as a strong man, having been defeated twice by a mere boy† (95). The passage is explaining Farrington’s feelings after Weathers defeated him in arm wrestling, and we learn that he ends up taking that anger out on his son. In the story the abuse of alcohol represents a lack of self- control and feeling of self worth that lead to violence. It turns out that the easy escape Farrington had longed for would be impossible for the drunken man to achieve. Instead of escaping, he deceived himself by deceiving his family. 5. Routine and the repetition are two themes present in this story. The narrator said, â€Å"His body ached to do something, to rush out and revel in violence. All the indignities of his life enraged him† (89).This passage explains the everyday repetitious life of Farrington, and how he needed to escape that kind of a lifestyle. These routines and repetitions have trapped him in a vicious cycle of irritation and violence. Routines have an effect on people often involved in many difficult dilemmas, and the routines of his life trap him from being able to have new encounters and new beginnings. These consequences of never breaking away from the same routines can also lead to loneliness and unhappiness. In the story â€Å"Counterparts†, Farrington is able to show these results and brutality of a repetitive lifestyle.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Home School V Public School Essay

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to both home schooling and public schooling. The following essay will compare and contrast many of these reasons. Every parent should consider all of the advantages and disadvantages when deciding on the education of their children and where they will receive it. As a parent, one of the hardest decisions you will have to make is having to know how your children will get their education, and where they are going to receive it. Between home schooling and public schooling, there are many advantages and disadvantages a parent must think of before deciding where to send their children. Parents must decide on what they and their children would prefer and what would work best for their household and their lifestyle. There are some benefits to home schooling, but the disadvantages may surpass the benefits, which in turn, could prove very harmful to the child. Being home schooled tends to hurt ones social development, because they are able to hide from the chaos, pressures, and stress of life. By not being in a public school, they are separated from society and their peers. Being in public school, you have a chance of more opportunities, such as riding the school bus. My three year old daughter is in preschool, and riding the bus is one thing she looks forward to every day. Being home schooled means you are always stuck at home with just your parents. This hinders a persons social development, because they are missing important interactions with their peers. Public schooled children get to know the facility, classmates, and other children in the school. Having these people around you everyday for years and years creates a path for deep relationships. Having a routine of seeing the same people around you day after day means you will have meaningful and deep relationships. These relationships will follow you for years to come. You will always look back and think about the people you went to school with. On the other hand, there are many groups centered around home schooled children. My five cousins know many other home schooled children because of these said groups. One of the biggest disadvantages of public schooling is the teacher to student ratio. In bigger schools, there may not be as much one-on-one interactions, and this can prove harmful to a child’s education. In my public high school this was not a problem, because we were a smaller school with many teachers. For some student’s they may need the one-on-one help to ensure they understand what is being taught to them. Some children may do fine with a higher teacher to student ratio, but it depends on each individual child. Distractions in public school is also a disadvantage, because for some children, being distracted may cause them to fail. No parent wants their child to fail in anything. Being home schooled allows a child to create a schedule that works best for them. There are benefits to establishing a personal schedule, such as sleeping later and having more free time. They will, in all, waste less time because their schooling is centered purely around the child and their needs. They can learn at a speed that works best for them, and can concentrate more time on any weaknesses. With not having the distractions like public schools have, home schooled students are better able to avoid peer pressure. Even with all of the advantages of home schooling, it can also be harmful and damaging to the child’s growth as an adult. If one gets use to the one-on-one attention, it could hinder them greatly. If they stop getting this one-on-one attention, they may fall behind in the business and adult world. Not having a structured environment that public schools provide, home schooled students may not know how to deal with deadlines and rules. This may hurt the students in their adult and businesses life. In order to make it through life, one must know how to follow rules and how to work under pressure. Because there is less chaos and stress in a home schooled environment, one had less experience in handling pressure. Therefore, home schooled students are less attractive to businesses. The lack of pressure and guidelines will hinder a person attempting to get a professional job, because they have not had to listen and do as they say in a home schooled environment. However, if a parent knows the importance of deadlines and rules, they may still enforce them at a home schooled environment. It all depends on the parent and their children. One of the advantages of home schooling is not having to follow a certain lesson plan as you would in a typical public school setting. With public schooling, the students have to follow a certain lesson plan set forth by the teacher. With having this set lesson plan, the student may already know what is being taught. Therefore, there is a bunch of filler homework in public school. Having had gone to public school with a girl who got pregnant during high school, I know this information through her. She dropped out because of the birth of her son, and began home schooling herself. If she had stayed in public school, she would not have graduated until the spring of 2008. However, because she was not having to follow a lesson plan set forth by a teacher, she was able to graduate in the spring of 2007. She was able to get right down to what she needed to learn and skip all of the filler homework. By the time she would have graduated staying in public school, she was already through her first year of university. In conclusion, for a parent deciding whether to put their children in public school or home schooling them, needs to take the individual child in to prospective. Each child and their mentality are different. Therefore, each child will respond to different schooling in their own way. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages to both ways of schooling. Each parent needs to take all of these in to prospective when deciding how and where their children get their education.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Concept of human rights and its role in the legal,moral and political Outline

Concept of human rights and its role in the legal,moral and political world - Outline Example Much more job is required to inject human rights and the voice of the migrants into the mainstream of making policy in this area. â€Å"The wider vision of human rights allows for consideration of the problems of hunger, poverty, and violence facing billions of people† (Clapham 2007). In their human rights vision, persons are endowed, by cause of their humankind, with certain basic and unchallengeable rights. Idea of human rights offer the vocabulary for arguing regarding which interests must prevail and how best to accomplish the ends we have selected. Human Rights dealing with contempt subjects on occasion have to balance the competing interests and benefits of the constitutional right to a fair trial and the require to protect. The aspect of human rights to privacy and confidentiality, or the need to be left to oneself, is inherent to every human being. This is more apparent in the areas of hospitalization, medical care and defense of patient records. It is proposed to first think the aspect governing Human Rights Act regarding attaining consent of the patients in medical study settings previous to accepting them for bio-medical or medical research use. â€Å"So far we have resisted the temptation to claim that human rights are about balancing individual free doms and the collective interests of the community. Such claims say very little about these rights as they melt away into the interests of the majority to live in peace and security† (Clapham 2007). The push of worldwide human rights rule is that curtailment of rights should be vindicated by reference to pre-existing rules that permit for proportionate action essential to accomplish a legitimate aim. It is seen from the theories and cases discussed above that public view is significant aspect which wants to be accepted by citizens, celebrities or otherwise. At the same time as a certain amount of accommodation and restraint wants to be offered to citizens in terms of human rights and respect for

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Writing activities Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Writing activities - Article Example Another important aspect which has been under consideration is that the quality of social media friendships differs from that of offline friendships. Off-line friendships and social media friendships both have their own charm and each type has its own uniqueness and special characteristics. Offline friendships have known to exist since forever. When a young child starts his education from the level of kindergarten, the first friend that he makes is through this type of friendship. This companionship is special and interaction begins mainly through face to face conversations. Offline friendships are cherished and people in this type of friendship share a bond which is mainly created by the physical presence of each other. These friendships are effective and emotions and expressions are far more easily expressed. This is because these friendships commence mainly through physical meetings and the two friends have actually seen each other. Friends at school, in the neighbourhood and in family are known better and tend to be generally closer. The special thing about off-line friendships is the warmth and care that friends can provide to each other through physical presence in difficult situations in one’s life. On the other hand, social media friendships which have gained substantial fame nowadays have their own appeal. These friendships have become popular amongst all age groups and provide a means for people to communicate even when they are far away. With the current busy lives of all individuals, people have lesser time of meeting their friends. Computers and the internet have come to the rescue and have provided with this form of friendship. The distinctive characteristic of social media friendships is that people tend to be connected to each other and physical presence is not a necessity. A person can interact with people and make friends even

Communication Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Communication Theories - Essay Example pace of modern technology and the era of globalization, media is now more encompassing as to include the various social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and MySpace. Social networking has a great impact in the lives of people all over the world today. Communication has become easier and more convenient. Since media ecology studies the interaction between people and the modes of communication as facilitated by modern technology, one can clearly see its impact on the different social networking sites. It looks into the development of human relationships among the people who use the social networking sites. It is through the social networking sites where people of different culture relate with each other sans geographical boundaries. Media ecology has influenced social networking sites which have developed its own unique language, acronyms and symbols. One foresees media ecology to further intensify its role in the rapid growth of social networking

Saturday, July 27, 2019

DBA Comprehenive Examination Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 11000 words

DBA Comprehenive Examination - Research Paper Example According to Jensen & Ruback (1983) mergers and acquisitions benefit companies as it provides synergy, tax saving, shareholder wealth maximization and signaling. Draper & Paudyal (2008) state mergers and acquisitions have been beneficial to economies as the production achieves higher efficiency and has improved output. The economies achieved the ability to have improved bargaining power with the supplier and customer due to mergers and acquisitions. Mergers provide the companies to get tax savings. Mergers and Acquisitions According to Elebourne & Rambarran (2004), the process of merger refers to the process where one company is merged with another, and acquisition refers to the process when the company acquires another company. The merger process can be horizontal, vertical or conglomerate. As per Stigler (1950), horizontal mergers are achieved by merging the products and services. Horizontal merger is used in the way that the share of the company increases in the market and it was common during the onset of World War I, when the stock market crashed in 1903-1904. Two firms are merged in a vertical manner when they are merged through the value chain. Sudarsanam (2003) defines conglomerate merger as a common M & A method where the companies from different industries come together. All the three types of merger systems require the companies to merge in three ways: 1. The revenues of the companies should be merged to achieve a high revenue generating company. 2. The expenses of the two companies should merge to achieve a low expense operation. 3. The cost of capital of the two companies should be combined which will reduce the overall cost of capital. The cost saving is archived through the removal of repetitive process in the two companies for which the merger is required at various level. Integration can happen in full functional area of the companies; for example - human resource, accounting, information technology, marketing, finance and operations. The new c ompany will be working on best practices of the two companies and certain key factors will be merged together to have a modern age merger and acquisition. Minimal merge will be adopted by personnel and it will involve reducing redundancies. The best ways of mergers are when the two companies come together to exploit the best of other. This method is called positioning and it happens when the two companies position by taking advantage of the trends in the market. Gap filing refers to the condition when the two companies have major weaknesses, which is reduced due to the merger. The company having strength becomes an advantage for the other company and both the companies are benefited. Mergers can happen for business reasons; for example in bargain purchases where the company can be acquired at a low cost and this helps both the companies. Mergers can also provide the method of diversification which is needed for improving the earnings and to achieve higher opportunities and growth in business. The companies can get further growth through mergers and there are certain mergers which can provide short term growth to the company. The acquisition of two companies should be optimistic and bad decisions should be eliminated from the processes of merger and acquisition. Three specific examples of challenges of major challenges faced by the companies during M & A in the last five years are: 1. Merging

Friday, July 26, 2019

UGG boots case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

UGG boots case study - Assignment Example The brand was later expanded to produce sandals, clogs, boots, slippers, and handbags. Tsubo LLC, which produces sports and dress casuals, sandals, heels, and boots. In 2003, Australian sheepskin manufacturers started selling their products online at lower prices after Decker started making millions from UGG Australia sales (Windsor, 2010). Decker sales dropped as consumers preferred the UGG product at lower prices. The actions by Australian manufacturers were unethical because Decker owned the Trademark UGG and using it to sell their goods was ripping off the corporation. In addition, another act that shows the brand’s impact on ethics is through unfair competition. This is evident when competitors imitated UGG and sold fake products to customers who had no idea that they were buying imitations. Some producers went to the extremes of using cow skin instead of sheepskin (Worley, 2014). This is wrong as these actions were taking advantage of consumers whose real intention was to buy and enjoy the benefits brought about by the real UGG Australia products. Brand names, therefore bring about the worst from people who want to take advantage an d make money from consumers who lack the knowledge of knowing whether the products they are buying is real or just a cheap imitation. The owners of the products also suffer due to reduced sales after putting in resources to produce, advertise, and market their products. Their image also suffers, as wronged consumers who bought fake products will taint their name saying that the products they are selling are of poor quality. Other people may say that it is also wrong to raise sheep for their skin and use that skin to make products. It occurs as animal cruelty to the supporters of animal rights (Seltzer 2011). There is a query whether consumers are concerned that those beautiful, comfortable, and must have items were due to shaving

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Boomtown Girl Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Boomtown Girl - Assignment Example She was also the youngest in the class. Her viewpoint was often unwavering and even though she tended to have a negative view of things, the narrator describes it as a self-defensive mechanism. When they were away from each other, Ma Li and the narrator exchanged letters, as this is how they kept in touch. The narrator pays close attention to Ma Li and appears to have a special interest in her. While working with a jewelry factory in Shenzhen, she registered a positive trend; her salary grew by over 100 %, she entered a serious relationship and her character grew more apprehensive and bold. She is seen standing up to her boss and eventually quitting the job to become an English teacher at the nursery school level. As the plot unfolds, the narrator goes to visit Ma Li at Shenzhen where they bonded for a while. The narrator is seemingly impressed by the progress Ma Li was making especially the fact that ‘she was doing well’ in the narrator’s closing remarks. As the plot unfolds, her character transforms and she becomes more confident. The narrator notes that much of her shyness had faded away as is evident in the way she stands against her boss after breaking curfew for which she was not apologetic at all. Likewise, she was becoming more responsible. She helped her family make ends meet especially by designating a portion of her salary towards paying school fees for one of her siblings. As the narrator writes, the newfound sense of responsibility, as evidenced from her growing obligation towards family, had given Ma Li a novel air of maturity. She was becoming more mature as she entered into a relationship with her boyfriend Gao Ming and started living together. She also felt responsible for her fellow workers and she often spent time with them when they felt lonely. During her college years, the narrator notes that Ma Li was not entirely social with other students (Hessler 3). She often secluded herself and had

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

What it means to receive my Black Belt in Kung Fu Essay

What it means to receive my Black Belt in Kung Fu - Essay Example I perceive this accomplishment as a major achievement in my life, and am grateful to the almighty that I had followed the eight essential elements that constitutes such a feat. A positive mind serves the purpose of keeping one constantly motivated. Whatever one does in life, whether it leads to success or failure, has to be augmented with a positive attitude. This will enable one to accept the facts of life and to emerge stronger out of any situation. Kung Fu had always provided me some reason to look up to myself. I was always required to set some standards to myself and to live up to it. This made me a highly positive individual who is willing to turn any negative aspect in life to something positive. For instance, whenever I found myself lacking in energy or focus, I told myself that what any other person could achieve could be achieved by me as well. I always considered my mentor a role model and followed the regime he suggested. And I was never disappointed by this attitude in life, for I was never defeated by any amount hard work. The very fact that I had to practice martial arts on a daily basis helped me maintain my body healthy. I realized that a healthy body is the best asset one could have. It made me feel ultimately confident in taxing situations. I also realized that my physical appearance was highly enhanced by a healthy body, which resulted in a lot of respect and admiration from those who were associated with me. This did boost my self-confidence and motivated me further to follow a strict regime of exercises and Kung Fu practice. I started slow and steady, but progressed to a stricter, more systematic regime, which could have led to a very healthy body which I can be proud of. Balanced relationships matter the most in human life. I was not really convinced at first of maintaining a balanced relationship with the help of learning martial arts. But, after

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Changes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Changes - Essay Example However, the question on which of these factors will have the greatest influence remains unanswered. This paper outlines three of the changes expected in criminal justice in the next fifty years. Like any other system or discipline, criminal justice is expected to evolve. This evolution will be apparent in both crime and justice. In fact, as criminal evolve; their potential victims will also evolve in the preventive strategies they will use against the perpetrators. For instance, criminals are expected to use devices that would counter or unlock the more advanced devices and technologies such as alarm systems and locks that potential victims are expected to use to protect themselves (Ritter, 2006). As is currently the case, crime fighting strategies will however continue to focus on the reduction of crime opportunities, removing criminal-motivators, and altering peoples’ basic values by nurturing positive values, more so in the youth so that their propensity to commit crimes is reduced (Ritter, 2006). Population experts believe that in the next three to five decades there is a likely increase in the percentage of the over-30 population, particularly those over 65 year s of age. The implication of these demographic changes on criminal justice is that more people will be highly likely to become victims and criminals. The other change expected in the next fifty years in criminal justice is the increased use of technological advances in fighting crimes. In this regard, there is an expected increase in the development and use of more sophisticated biometric devices, surveillance equipment, identification microchips, and DNA analysis in preventing, detecting and reducing crime (Ritter, 2006). These technological devices will be quite effective in enhancing crime prevention and crime solving in the future. Technologically, more complex and effective intelligence databases for policing and analysis of crime trends by experts and the public will be exploited

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pre-Ib Geography Exam Review Essay Example for Free

Pre-Ib Geography Exam Review Essay Angular Bearing: measured in degrees in a clockwise direction from the north; written as 3 figures (i. e. 90) * Military Grid (4 amp; 6 digit) * System of numbered lines; position stated by quoting numbers of the lines that intersect at the point in question * Easting Northing ; EAST TENTH NORTH TENTH * Contour line: a way of showing elevation; usually brown lines * Steep areas – very close contour lines, gentle areas – very wide contour lines * Latitude/Longitude * Latitude 0 °: Equator|23. 5 °N: Tropic of Cancer | 23.  ° S: Tropic of Capricorn * Longitude 0 °: Prime Meridian | 180 °: International Date Line * Scale different types; conversions Linear Scale| Representative Fraction Scale| Direct Statement Scale| * | * 1:50 000| * 1 cm to 10 km| * 1 km = 100 000 cm * Time Zones – know them amp; how to calculate time zone from one zone to another * From west – east: Pacific, Mountain, Central, Eastern, Atlantic, Newfoundland * Plus 1 hour, as y ou travel from west to east Global Positioning System (GPS) – what is it? How do you use it? * Revolutionary navigation system; provide location with metres or less anywhere on the globe * Canada Map: Unit 3 * Geologic time-line (eras amp; major developments in each) * Precambrian Era: the earth is formed; Canadian shield is formed; bacteria amp; algae – only life forms * Paleozoic Era: the continents straddle the equator; first insects appear; Pangaea is formed * Mesozoic Era: Dinosaurs rule the earth; first bird amp; mammals appear * Cenozoic Era: Dinosaurs go extinct; first Hominids appear; first humans reach North America * Continental Drift amp; Plate Tectonics * Continental drift (Alfred Wegener): 300 million years ago, all of the earth’s land masses, which were in constant motion, collided to form one supercontinent: Pangaea; could not explain how continents moved * Evidence: shape of the continents; Fossil Evidence; Rock Evidence; Glacial Deposits; Location of Coal Deposits * Plate tectonics (Canadian J. Tuzo. Wilson): the earth’s crust is divided into 12 major plates which moved in various directions by the underlaying hot mantle convection cells (mid-atlantic ridge) * Types of precipitations – Relief/Orographic precipitation; Cyclonic/Frontal precipitation; Convectional precipitation * Relief/Orographic precipitation: only in mountainous regions * Moist air rise up the windward slope amp; condenses as it rises amp; cools * Cool air descends on the leeward slope, warms up, drier climate because the clouds evaporate * Cyclonic/Frontal precipitation: only in places with hot summers +20 °C (continental areas) * The sun heats up the ground, warm air rises; condensing amp; forming clouds amp; precipitation. * As the storm persists, the air cools amp; drags down, bringing the storm to an end. * Convectional precipitation: happens in most places * Air masses of different pressure amp; temperatures don’t mix. * The warmer air will rise above the colder, dense one, creating precipitation. Gradual upward movement=mild precipitation; Sharp upward movement=thunderstorm, hail * Landforms: the natural features on the surface of the Earth (Canadian Shield, lowlands, highlands) What are they? | Development of landforms| How do they or will they contribute to Canada| Canadian Shield (largest amp; oldest landform region)PRECAMBRIAN| * Pressure inside Earth folded amp; crumpled the Metamorphic rock * Minerals in shield rock cooled amp; separated into layers according to their density * Intense heat amp; pressure changed the rocks * Erosion worn down mountains = flat * Ice age eroded amp; created lakes, depressions amp; valleys| * Not much farming thin layer of soil; little fertile land * Vast deposits of lead, gold, nickel, copper, zinc, etc. Mining communities drawn here; communities rely on the mining industry for jobs * Rich diamond deposits; Water for hydroelectric energy * Recreation, tourism, â€Å"get back to nature†, canoe| Appalachian Mountains (oldest highland region)PALEOZOIC| * End Paleozoic Era, North America collided with europe amp; northern Africa during the formation of Pangaea * Raised amp; folded layers of sedimentary, Igneous/metamorphic created from volcanoes amp; earthquake s * Erosion reduced jagged peaks to rounded hills amp; mountains * Glaciers smoothed peaks amp; separated hills with wide glacial valleys | * Sedimentary rich in non-metallic materials, i. e. coal * Igneous/Metamorphic rich in metallic minerals, i. e. iron amp; zinc created by volcanic activity amp; faulting * Long bays created from ice age, for deep harbours for ocean freighters amp; became site of major cities * Settlement along fertile river valleys amp; along seacoast| Innuitian Mountains (most northern region)MESOZOIC| * Formed in Mesozoic era; North American plate moved northward. Continental-continental convergence * Contain some igneous amp; metamorphic, but mainly sedimentary * Younger than Appalachians, not worn down as much| * Barren; trees can’t survive extremely cold winter temperatures; can’t grow during short summer * Covered by ice amp; permanent snow * Minerals not exploited because if remote location| Western CordilleraLATE MESOZOICEARLYCENOZOICCoast mountainsInterior plateausEastern Mountains| * Range after range of mountains separated by plateaus amp; valleys * Pacific plate amp; North American plate collided * Uplifting region into several mountain regions * Convergent; pacific plate subducted under North American causing folding, faulting, amp; volcanic activity * Great height + rugged appearance = geologically young| * North-south mountains amp; valleys = obstacle for transportation since main routes are west=south * Farming amp; mining towns in river valleys * Tourism(beautiful scenery); winter sports * Fishing(salmon); gold rush; energy resources * Copper, forestry, rocks, coal, fossil fuels| Interior PlainsPALEOZOIC + MESOZOICAlberta PlainsSaskatchewan PlainsManitoba Plains| * 545 million years ago; during formation, covered by inland seas, sediments deposited amp; compressed into sedimentary * Thick layers of mineral deposits left in dried-out sea beds * Composed of rolling hills amp; deep, wide river valleys * Differential erosion separated by escarpment * Glaciations created large lakes covered by sediments = flat| * Reafs from inland seas form oil amp; gas found today * Potash mined amp; used as fertilizer * Swamps at edge of ancient seas changed into coal * Soil developed on sediments of lake bottom deep fertile, good for growing grai ns amp; oil seeds * Agricultural amp; beef products | Great Lakes / St. Lawrence Lowlands(most southerly region)PALEOZOIC| * During Paleozoic era, glacier retreated which left 5 great lakes * Bedrock formed from sedimentary rock; several escarpments * Glaciations created rolling landscape, carried huge amounts of soil, sand amp; gravel from Canadian shield, dumped throughout region * Flat plains, glacial hills, amp; deep river valleys * Rift valley formed by faulting; flooded during end of ice age| * Good for agriculture; excellent soils amp; warm climate * Flat lands; ideal for transportation routes amp; development of cities (50% of canadians live in small) * 70% of country’s manufacturing industries * Maple syrup, forestry, mining, fishery, water supply, * Sheep, poultry, dairy, logging – lumber, paper| Hudson Bay Arctic LowlandsPALEOZOIC + PRECAMBRIAN + MESOZOIC PALEOZOIC + CENOZOIC| * Layers of sedimentary rock rest on top of ancient rock of Shield * Waters of Hudson Bay covered lowland amp; deposited sand, silt, amp; clay that became layer of sedimentary rock * A series of islands located in far north, gently rolling landscape * Bodies of water continues to deposit deep basins of sedimentary along east amp; west coasts (Paleozoic era) * Receding glaciers left sedimentary rock (Cenozoic)| * HB- mining, march, wetlands, plains * AL-Not good for farming, harsh climate * Rich in furs due to abundance of wildlife * Water resources provide hydro power for Ontario * Contain lignite, coal, oil, amp; natural deposits * Game, fishing| * Climate: weather conditions of a place averaged over a long period of time * Factors affecting Climate (LOWERN) * Latitude: Significant differences in average annual temperatures; distance from the equator a key factor. * The same amount of energy from the sun that hits Earth is spread over a large areas at northerly ocation because of th earth’s curve; the same amount of energy is more concentrated at the equator * Most southerly pointPelee Island; Most northerly pointAlert * Ocean Currents: The temperature of an ocean current affects the temperature of the air passing over it. * Warm– warm air – the mild climate of B. C. ; Cold– cold air – Labrador amp; nor thern Newfoundland * Where air above two currents meet, conditions are often damp amp; foggy. * Winds amp; Air Masses * Air Masses: large volume of air with the climate conditions of the area where it is formed. * Over ocean moist; as air masses pass over land=in precipitation; over continental area will generally be dry. * Winds amp; Pressure Systems * Air moves from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure, this causes wind. Prevailing Winds: around the earth, there are pressure belts which cause wind patterns. * Westerlies: over Canada, the winds tends to move from the west to east . * Polar Front: the boundary between the cold, dry, polar air amp; warm, wet, tropical air. * Jet Stream: high in the atmosphere above the polar front is a current of fast-moving air. * In winter=moves southward, cold arctic air into the U. S. * In summer=moves northward, warm air from the Gulf of Mexico to flow farther northward into Canada’s interior. * Cold air masses amp; warm air masses that meet at the polar front often create storms. * Elevation: height of land above sea level Air mass moves up a mountain= expands since there is less pressure; as it expands=loses heat amp; becomes cooler. * Relief: the affect that mountain ranges act as barriers to climate systems * Result in greatly differing temperatures in different cities that are close to each other but separated by mountains. * Windward side of rocky mountains=more precipitation; leeward side of rocky mountains= precipitation. * Nearness to body of water: Bodies of water have a moderating effect on land temperatures. * Oceans amp; large lakes heat up amp; cool down more slowly than land masses. * Results in cooler summers amp; warmer winters. * Maritime vs. Continental climate * Maritime| * Continental| Total annual precipitation of over 1000 mm| * Total annual precipitation of less than 1000 mm| * A temperature range of less than 25C °| * A temperature range of more than 25C °| * Winter: Season of Maximum Precipitation| * Summer: Season of Maximum Precipitation| * Soil make-up (MOMA) * Minerals; Organic material amp; bacteria; Moisture; Air * Vegetation * Tree line: boundary between the Tundra amp; the Boreal Forest zone; North of this line, it is too cold for trees to grow. * Permafrost: permanently frozen ground that does not completely thaw in the summer. * Active layer: upper layer of permafrost that thaws only briefly in summertime Unit 4 Demography: study of human population dynamics, population numbers, distribution, trends, amp; issues that looks at how populations change over time due to births, deaths, migration amp; ageing. * Push/pull factors – what are they? Be able to identify them * Push factors: factors that causes people to emigrate from their country (i. e. war, absence of human rights, poor economic/educational opportunities, religious persecution, terrorism, amp; natural disasters) * Pull factors: factors that draws immigrants to a country (i. e. job opportunities, freedom of speech amp; religion, lower taxes, better education amp; health care, better climate, join friends/relatives living in another country ) * Immigration – benefits amp; drawbacks Benefits| Drawbacks| Declining fertility amp; population=severe labour shortages; * Fiscal burden of aging population; scarce staff-nursing homes amp; retirement facilities * Replace baby boomers jobs; fill jobs Canadians don’t want; temporary jobs during harvest time * High-skilled-innovate higher rate than canadians; low-skilled- meet crucial service sector gaps * More global prosperity than foreign aid/international trade; revolutionize Canada’s foreign aid policy| * Short term expediency; political gain * Stress on schools to take in new students * Little cultural communities formed * Lack of culture belonging * Competition for jobs of Canadians| * Types of immigrants (3 types) * Economic Immigrants Skilled Worker/ Professional: 67 points (government adjust; make sure immigrants meet Canada’s economic needs) * Business Immigrant: 37 points (show willingness/ability-make significant financial contributions to economy) * Family Immigrants (Allows Canadian residents to reunite with family members) * Every family immigrant must be sponsored by relative in Canada (provide housing amp; other needs for 3-10 years, if immigrant runs into financial difficulty, they need to help them) * Refugee (Apply for refugee status while in Canada as visitors/living in home country) * Fears cruel or inhumane treatment in their home country ( persecution-race, religion, nationality, political opinion) * Special category includes victims of natural disasters (storms, earthquakes), amp; human disasters (war, famine) * Points system – what are points given for? Who does it apply to? Education: High School, University/college (diploma, bachelor, doctorate, master’s degree)_______________Economic * Language ability: English/French (high/moderate/basic/no

Christianity in the first three centuries Essay Example for Free

Christianity in the first three centuries Essay After the terror of September 11 the American people wanted to know what type of people would fly airplanes into buildings killing thousands of their good citizens. The left wing media and the Bush administration, which often patronizes left wing, political correctness, provided the most typical ‘spin’ for public consumption. This interpretation works within the typical left-wing paradigm, which deems all religions as essentially the same and politics as Ð ° separate category of life, removed from the private concerns of true religion. It is only when conservative religious-types attempt to impose their narrow minded beliefs upon the peaceable world of religious and political communities that problems arise. (Sherifa 2005 28) Therefore, it is not Islam that brought about September 11. ‘Islam is Ð ° religion of peace’. It is ‘fundamentalists’ who are most to blame for disturbing the peace. After all, the term Islam means ‘peace’. â€Å"Enhanced analysis is where â€Å"the rubber meets the road† Up to this point in the analytical process, personnel have primarily been cleaning data and analyzing information using broad approaches. Transforming the information into quality intelligence requires time and skill. Whether some forms of analysis are art or science is debatable. In the case of homeland security and terrorism analysis, it is both. Methods employed by an analyst can be replicated for use on many different fronts. In addition, there are numerous scientific models and tools available for analysts that can be utilized by anyone to prove or verify information. The data should yield the same results for whoever undertakes the process. (Paul 2002 31) Use of Ð ° checklist is encouraged due to the magnitude of events that can be faced by an analyst undertaking terrorism or organized hate group investigations. Too many steps are involved in the intelligence process, and information often arrives at intermittent times, making organization of the information difficult. Matrixes, link charts, time lines, and maps also play important roles in transforming information into enhanced intelligence. Whatever techniques are used to analyze the information, it is crucial to know ones criminal data and what information is available. In warfare, one needs to know the enemy, and in the analytical world one needs to know the enemy (subject or target) as well as the data. If you do not know what you have, how can you transform it into intelligence? (Michael 2004) Today the term is used by the media and intelligentsia as Ð ° form of hate speech an epithet to curse those who disagree with them. In the present context it is used as Ð ° means of casting aspersions upon conservative Christians in relating them to terrorist activity. Stephen Schwartz serves Ð ° good example of this type of rhetoric. In his work on the Saudis and Wahhabis, The Two Faces of Islam, he skews an otherwise outstanding work with Ð ° continual reference to ‘fundamentalist’ Muslims as perverting ‘true’ Islam. The term serves as Ð ° source of pure rhetoric throughout the work, disembodied from any specific reference to Ð ° movement, group or set of beliefs. There is only one section where he even bothers to relate it to Ð ° specific viewpoint. In this place he condemns Muslims who limit ‘all historical and cultural development in Islam after its first two generations’. However, this understanding of fundamentalism in terms of literal interpretation and living-in-the-past contradicts the overall thesis of Schwartz and his liberal constituency that would characterize the religion of Muhammad the ‘true’ and ‘authentic’ Islam as Ð ° religion of peace. If Muhammad was Ð ° man of peace, literal Islam would have produced the same sort of pacifism that we observe among early Christianity in the first three centuries. But the real truth is that it produced much the opposite. Islam does not exist in the world of ideas as Ð ° disembodied, un-interpreted spirit, subsisting above and beyond the communities who represent the faith. ‘True’ Islam exists only in the mind of those liberals who wish that Muslims would find in Islam what they want them to believe. No religion, philosophy or political ideology exists apart from those who interpret it in accordance with their own purposes. For example, one could find Nazism within the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche if one wishes to use his writings to deconstruct certain themes in certain ways. His writings contain that possibility, even if Nietzsche himself was not an anti-Semite. All works contain enough tensions within them to allow the interpreter to choose this or that reading as more indicative of the true essence of the text, It is all Ð ° matter of choice, If Ð ° reader wishes to find the good things of liberalism within the Qur’an feeding the poor and helping widows and orphans in their distress, there is much in the text that lends itself to this direction. (Paul 2002 56) However, Ð ° liberal cannot deny that there is more Ð ° pretext for deconstructing the Qur’an and proceeding in the horrid direction of September 11 than there is in the Bible or the sacred texts of most other religions. The Bible certainly contains imprecatory psalms and holy wars, but within its writings, especially those of the New Testament, there is much to counteract the more bellicose verses of the old Testament and marginate them or treat them as Ð ° product of Ð ° bygone dispensation. Within the Qur’an there are Ð ° number of disturbing sections that could lead in the direction of September 11 if so interpreted, and little else to counteract them. There is no concept of the historical progress of revelation, as the divine revelation did not take place over Ð ° period of time. According to most Muslims, the Qur’an is an eternal and uncreated book. Its Arabic is God’s Arabic its words God’s Words. Nevertheless, Islam does not exist as Ð ° simple monolith, which demands our acceptance or rejection. â€Å"Since the events of September 11, the American people may have been treated to more truth from their government than ever before. In the post Vietnam era, when the notorious Phoenix program of assassinations finally came to light, public indignation was sufficient to empower investigation by the Church Committee, and Ð ° subsequent ban on foreign assassinations. Over the past decade and increasingly under the Bush Jr. administration, however, open talk of intended foreign assassinations, efforts to overthrow the leaders of other sovereign states, or invasions of an unspecified array of nations can reach the daily papers through on-record remarks by elected officials. † (Amit 2003 127).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Vietnamese culture

Vietnamese culture VIETNAMESE CULTURE Totally this topic needs a wide knowledge about Vietnamese culture. Although I am a Vietnamese but maybe my knowledge is still not enough to talk about everything I want you to know. So, my entire essay is my result in finding from Internet and from my understanding about my country. Actually, there are some words I dont know how to translate into English, and then I let them in Vietnamese. That thing means keep tradition of Vietnam. Thank you for your attention! Some website you can find more information about this topic: Vietnamese Culture and Tradition I) INTRODUCTION Vietnam has a very rich culture that has been shaped by many different civilizations throughout history. Through many long struggles, the Vietnamese have created our unique culture. Our culture has been influenced by many other civilizations: the ancient peoples that once inhabited the land, the Chinese, the French, and most recently, the Americans and Russians. From all these outside influences, and centuries of war, oppression, and hardship, we have formed, and maintained our culture. The people of Vietnam are hard working and feel strong ties to our families. We are well versed in the arts, and have made several contributions to the world of literature. Aside from our painful history, the Vietnamese people have a culture and many customs, all our own. We can begin with wars of Vietnam. II. BODY: 1. Vietnam wars: We had to struggle many years to take the government back from enemies. Vietnam was split into two in 1954, as part of the Geneva accords. It had a communist government in the north, and a democratic south. A series of events led up to a full scale war between the two countries which included not only the Vietnamese, but people from America, Australia, and other nations. The Americans supported the widely unpopular southern regime, and although in the beginning they attempted to keep their involvement limited, they sent millions of soldiers to war in Vietnam to prevent the spread of Communism. Years of bitter guerrilla warfare in the rugged jungles and villages of Vietnam eventually resulted in a North Vietnamese victory and the reunification of Vietnam. Millions of people, American and Vietnamese alike died in the war, and the country today still struggles to reestablish itself after the damages on its economy, land, and people the war caused. Especially, we have Vietnam war which also known as theSecond Indochina War, was aCold Warmilitary conflictthat may be said to have occurred inVietnam,Laos, andCambodiafrom September 26, 1959to April 30, 1975. The war was fought between the communistNorth Vietnam, supported by its communist allies, and the government ofSouth Vietnam, supported by theUnited Statesand other anti-communist nations. TheViet Cong, a lightly armed South Vietnamesecommunist-controlledcommon front, largely fought aguerrilla waragainst anti-communistforces in the region. TheNorth Vietnamese Armyengaged in a moreconventional war, at times committing large units into battle. U.S. and South Vietnamese forces relied onair superiorityand overwhelming firepower to conductsearch and destroyoperations, involvingground forces,artilleryandair strikes. The United States entered the war to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment.Military advisorsarrived from beginning in 1950. U.S. involvement escalated in the early 1960s, with U.S. troop levels tripling in 1961 and tripling again in 1962.[13]U.S.combat unitswere deployed beginning in 1965. Involvement peaked in 1968 at the time of theTet Offensive. After this, U.S. ground forces were withdrawn as part of a policy calledVietnamization. Despite the Paris Peace Accords, signed by all parties in January 1973, fighting continued. TheCase-Church Amendment, passed by the U.S. Congress in response to theanti-warmovement, prohibited direct U.S. military involvement after August 15, 1973. U.S. military and economic aid continued until 1975.[14]Thecapture of Saigonby North Vietnamese army in April 1975 marked the end of Vietnam War. North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year. The war exacted a huge human cost in terms of fatalities, including 3 to 4 million Vietnamese from both sides, 1.5 to 2 million LaotiansandCambodians, and 58,159 U.S. soldiers. But after all the difficult time we had to struggle, there was one day, when Vietnamese had our independent day. From that day, our country became an independent country, an free country. On 2 September 1945,Ho Chi Minh(leader of the Viet Minh) declared theindependentDemocratic Republic of Vietnambefore a crowd of 500,000 inHanoi.In an overture to the Americans, he began his speech by paraphrasing theUnited States Declaration of Independence:All men are created equal. The Creator has given us certain inviolable Rights: the right to Life, the right to be Free, and the right to achieve Happiness 2) People: Although there are as many as 60 different groups of people living in Vietnam, the majority of the populations are the Viet people. Of the 78 million people living in the country, 85 percent are what we refer to as Vietnamese. They live primarily in the lowlands of Vietnam. Three-quarters of the population of Vietnam live in rural villages. A vast majority of the citizens are rice farmers, and live in the lowlands where there is fertile, easily irrigated soil. Where the ancestors of the Viet people came from is not completely known. They were probably farmers that moved gradually into the northern part of Vietnam from China, and slowly moved south, pushing other native people like the Champa out or up into the mountains as they migrated along the coast. One of the larger minority groups in Vietnam are the Chinese. They immigrated to the lowlands of Vietnam during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Before the war between North and South Vietnam, they were involved in foreign and rice trade, and remained somewhat independent from the Vietnamese people. Later, however; new laws and regulations forced most to abandon their ways of life, and many fled the country. Two other minorities living in the lowlands include the Cham and the Khmer. The Cham are descendants of the Champa kingdom that existed along the central coast for thousands of years. Now there are only about 50,000 of their people left living as fishermen and farmers in scattered villages along the coast. The Khmer, of Cambodian decent, live and have lived for a long time in the swampy Mekong Delta, south of Ho Chi Minh City. They are more numerous than the Cham people. The other residents of Vietnam live in the mountainous regions of the country. They, as a group, are commonly called the Montagnards. In the northern mountains, along the Chinese border, live tribes that have migrated there in the last several centuries. Some of the more common of these include the Tai, Nung, Meo, Yao, Muong, and the Tay. The Tay are by far the most numerous of the northern people. To the south, in the central highlands, are the Rhade and the Jarai peoples. They are descendants of nomads who came to the central coast in the third or second millennia BC, and have since been pushed up into the highlands. Now they live mainly by slash and burn agriculture. For centuries, the mountain people lived in isolation and were suspicious of lowlanders. They maintained only limited communication and trade with the Vietnamese. In the last fifty or so years, Vietnamese people have tried both peace and force to integrate them into their society, and finding themselves in the middle of several wars. Now the Vietnamese government is implementing programs to improve and develop communities, bring lowland Vietnamese people into the mountains, and educate the children of these Montagnards, while still allowing them to maintain their heritage. Vietnam is the 13th most populous country in the world. Its official language, Vietnamese is spoken throughout the country, but dialects vary between the north, south, and center. English is common in larger cities and is taught in schools, and French is also spoken in various parts of the country. Vietnam has an 88 percent literacy rate. Their national script is called Quoc Ngu. It was introduced by European colonists, and utilizes the Roman alphabet (the alphabet used for English †¦ but Vietnamese alphabet has some letters different from English). Nowadays, in a lot of school, besides English and French we can also learn many foreign languages such as: German, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Italian, and Canada †¦ Those languages service to our new economy, we join with world, with other developing country and so on. The Vietnamese people and the many minority groups living with us have created a unique culture and form of society. We have held onto their heritage and pride throughout countless struggles and wars, and are still striving to integrate and unite all parts and people of their incredible country. 3) Food: Typical Vietnamese food varies from one region of the country to another. In the north, spices are mild and no used often. In central Vietnam, food is much spicier, and uses ground chilies often. Foods in the south often include spicy seasonings such as curry. Tropical fruits, stir fries, rice, and soups are eaten all over. The same as almost other country in Asia, rice is the main grain for the Vietnamese people. It can be served plain, sweetened, stir fried with meat or vegetables, added to soups, made into rice cakes, or into flour to make rice noodles or thin rice paper. Rice paper is often seen wrapped around meat, vegetables, and noodles, and then fried to make Vietnamese egg rolls. Rice is eaten at almost every meal. Beef and other meats are uncommon; they are too expensive and spoil easily without refrigeration. Instead, the people of Vietnam eat seafood, eels, frogs eggs, and the occasional duck, chicken, or pork. In the mountains, they hunt birds and other animals, and eat or sell the meat they obtain. Vegetables, grown on plots near the house when possible, include onions, soybeans, bamboo shoots, yams, and other roots. Common fruits include bananas, mangoes, coconuts, and other tropical fruits. Tea, soda, beer, and rice wine are the main beverages. A common sauce is nuoc mam, a fish sauce used to flavor many things, including rice. Dishes of meat, vegetables, seafood, and rice are placed in the center of a table. People choose what they want, and mix them with their bowls of rice. Soups, also with mixtures of meats and vegetables, are also popular. The Vietnamese eat with chopsticks, and raise their up off the table to eat. Vietnam also has a large variety of noodles and noodle soups. Different regions invented different types of noodles, varying in shapes, tastes, colors, etc. For breakfast, people often eat a soup called pho. This soup can contain whatever the cook wishes to put in, but usually includes rice noodles, beef broth, onions, seasonings such as ginger, and bits of meat. Street vendors sell snacks and meals at all times of the day. As people go to or from work or school, they can pick up a bowl of pho, rice cakes, tiny meatballs, and noodles with sauces, candy, or any number of other treats. This food has become famous in the world. It is considered the symbol of Vietnamese food. If you are a tourist traveling Vietnam, that is the food you cant ignore. It has the private taste, so delicious and unforgettable. Vietnamese cuisine is extremely diverse, often divided into three main categories, each pertaining to Vietnams three main regions (north, central and south). It uses very little oil and many vegetables, and is mainly based on rice, soy sauce, and fish sauce. Its characteristic flavors are sweet, spicy, sour, nuoc mam (fish sauce), and flavored by a variety of mint and basil. Currently, Vietnamese cuisine has been gaining popularity and can be found widely in many other countries such as the United States, Australia, Canada, South Korea, Laos, Japan, China, Malaysia, and France. Vietnamese cuisine is recognized for its strict, sometimes choosy selection of ingredients. A chef preparing authentic Vietnamese cuisine may incorporate the ingredients provided in these countries, but generally will prefer ingredients native to Vietnam. 4) Life style: In each region of Vietnam, lifestyles differ, but there are some aspects of life which remain fundamentally the same. The family is the center of Vietnamese life. Many homes support large extended families with grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins all living under the same roof. Although the government encourages, and rewards people for small families, the average number of children per couple is four. Respect is important in the family. Each person has his or her own place with the father or eldest son as the head of the household, and the one who gets the most respect. Every member of a family must work hard. Eighty percent of the populations of Vietnam live in rural villages scattered throughout the lowlands and mountains. Villages in the north consist of a group of houses with a temple or central building as a town center and social meeting place. Southern villages are houses lined up along a central road. Many houses are built on stilts to keep above flood waters. Many rural families dont want or cant afford to have running water or electricity. People living in the lowlands make money by farming. There are several state owned farms as well as private, family run ones. People grow rice, fruits and vegetables, sugarcane, tea, or coffee. Some families raise livestock for extra money. Along the coast, in addition to farmers, there are many fishermen. People who live in the central highlands and the northern mountains are very self sufficient. They only buy things that they can not make, grow, trap, or hunt. To obtain money, mountain dwellers grow certain types of rice, harvest the rubber trees, and work with coffee and tea. Some are also involved in the illegal growing and harvesting goes the opium poppy. The life of a farmer is hard. People must rise before the sun comes up to get started on their work. They take a break in the middle of the heat of the day, and then return to the fields. Each member of a family has certain jobs to perform. Men do heavy labor like plowing and digging. Women work around the house, and help with the harvest, planing and weeding. Elderly people do light labor. Girls clean, cook, and work in the vegetable garden; while boys carry water, and help the men in the field. The entire family helps out during planting and harvest. Typical clothing worn by farmers is lose pants and shirts (or skirts for some women) that can be easily rolled up and kept out of water an mud. Most people wear sandals or go barefoot. All over Vietnam people wear conical shaped hats called non la to protect them from the scalding sun and heavy rains. The other twenty percent of the inhabitants of Vietnam live in cities. They have jobs just like the jobs people living in cities all over the world have. There are construction workers, office secretaries, merchants, street vendors, teachers, government workers, factory workers, and many other occupations. Cities experience more of the western influence than rural areas do. People wear western clothing such as jeans and T-shirts, and do things like people in Europe and America do. Most families live in small, crowded apartments, or in government housing. The city is very crowded, and streets are often crammed with bikes, motorbikes, scooters, and some cars very early in the morning. Street vendors are all over. One can pick up a meal or snack from them as soon as he gets hungry. Overpopulation is a problem in cities. The government encourages couples to have only to children, but many have more. They are also trying to resettle families into the less crowded mountains. City life is also hard, crowed. Many people must take two jobs to get enough money to support their families. Both men and women work, although men do most of the heavy labor and hold positions of authority. Everybody gets up early in the morning. Work starts at about 7, but before that people are up and about, and in public parks exercising, or at open markets buying the days groceries. Children go to school for half the day; either in the morning or afternoon shift, then go home to work, study, or play. Women buy food and necessities on the way to or from work. Most families eat at about 6 or 7 PM and go to bed at about 10 or 11. Homes are small and sparsely furnished. Straw mats are used for both sleeping and sitting. Meals are eaten on a low table, in low down chairs. Food is often cooked outside, or on three legged wood or coal burning stoves in the main room. In the country, electricity and running water are rare. In cities, they are in many homes, but most families dont have appliances such as refrigerators or TVs. 5) Religion: Although only about half of the people of Vietnam belong to organized religions, religion, and the beliefs arising from religions play large parts in the lives of most Vietnamese. They are often very superstitious, and believe things must be done right, or the family will have bad luck. Most Vietnamese practice ancestor worship. They believe that the spirits of their ancestors come back to earth on specific days, and throughout the year they pay high respect to them. In many homes there is a small alter to the ancestors of the family where they burn incense, have food offerings, and pictures of their deceased family members. Certain beliefs of many religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, animism and Catholicism are incorporated into the lives of the everyday, not seriously religious, Vietnamese person. Of the people who are members of organized religions, the greatest number is Buddhists. Buddhism came to Vietnam from India, during the Chines rule. This religion concentrates on self improvement and the belief of more lives after death. People must carry themselves well and improve and realize themselves in this life in order to pass on to a better life in their next one. There are slightly different beliefs between the north and south. The members of the Hoa Hao sect in South Vietnam are more radical in their beliefs than members of the more passive sects in the north. Hoa Hao is the largest major sect of Vietnamese Buddhism, was founded during the early 20th century in South Vietnam, and has over one million followers. Catholicism is another major religion. It was brought to Vietnam by the French colonists and has about four million followers. Many Catholics were against communism, and many fled the country when it was split up in 1954 and when it was reunited in 1975. Other Christian churches have sent missionaries to Vietnam, but were not widely adopted. Many of the mountain tribes practice spirit worship, or Animism. There are differences between what each tribe believes. In general, Animism is an ancient religion centered on the belief that clouds, rivers, forests, animals, etc. all have spirits. It used to be believed all over the world, but now only in scattered regions, including the Vietnamese highlands. Confucianism is more of a philosophy than a religion, but it has a strong influence on Vietnamese life. The Vietnamese took many of the Confucian morals and ethics. Confucianism, introduced by the Chinese, teaches respect, honest government, formality, and that people should be rewarded for merit. Another Chinese religion that influences Vietnamese philosophy today is Taoism. A few of the teachings of Taoism are belief in the spirit world, and the importance of how things line up. People must be very careful where they build houses, dig graves, or face doors, or it could be very unlucky. Perhaps the strangest Vietnamese religion is Cao Dai. It was founded in 1919 in the city of Tay Ninh and has as many as one million followers today. Cao Dai was established to bring together the best of all religions. There are little bits and pieces of many religions as part of it. Among its saints are religious figures from other faiths as well as famous people from history such as author Victor Hugo, and comedian Charlie Chaplain. They have statues and icons that are mixtures of important Vietnamese mythical animals, and things found in other religions, with a little bit of their own innovation included. Many seriously religious people are activists. They believe in justice for all, and the government may not completely trust their loyalty, so it discourages strong devotion to some religions. Vietnams diversity of people and religions throughout history has helped make Vietnam the fascinating country that it is today. Religion in Vietnam has historically been largely defined by the East Asian mix of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism, the so-called Tam Già ¡o, or triple religion, but today it has become more diverse including other religions such as catholism, etc. Vietnamese Buddhism has typically been the most popular. The country also has a strong cultural norm of ancestor worship as well as animism. This fits perfectly with the triple religion; making it difficult for many Vietnamese to express exactly which religion they practice. Of the three, Vietnamese Buddhism has always been the most popular with commoners. Besides the triple religion, Vietnamese life was also profoundly influenced by the practice of ancestor worship as well as native animism. Most Vietnamese people, regardless of religious denomination, practice ancestor worship and have an ancestor altar at their home or business, a testament to the emphasis Vietnamese culture places on filial duty. Along with obligations to clan and family, education has always played a vital role in Vietnamese culture. In the old days, scholars were placed at the top of society. Men not born of noble blood could only wish to elevate their status by means of studying for a rigorous Imperial examination which could potentially open doors to a position in the government, granting them power and prestige as Mandarin officials. A part we must to mention in this part is temples, pagodas †¦ Architecture in Vietnam today is a mixture of French colonial manors, and Chinese pagodas and temples. Many traditional Vietnamese buildings were destroyed by nature or war. Many big buildings and cathedrals resemble French Gothic architecture. Other buildings have pointed roofs and curving eaves, like Chinese buildings. There are remains of ancient stone buildings built by previous inhabitants of Vietnam. In cities, many buildings contain stores on the bottom floors and homes on top. Homes are small. In rural and mountain areas, houses are larger, one or two room wooden dwellings. 6) Recreation: Elementary schools dont have sports teams, but secondary schools do. The most popular sport is soccer. Schools also have track, tennis, and volleyball teams. In large cities, the government sponsors sports teams in soccer, swimming, table tennis, badminton, volleyball, tennis, and other sports. Children, in their free time, like to play games similar to those played in other countries. They swim, jump rope, play kickball, marbles, card games, and many other games. People enjoy playing musical instruments and having any number of friendly contests. In rural areas, they have competitions in things that help people with tasks that they must complete in day to day life. Although the Vietnamese are not very competitive, they enjoy friendly games and competitions. Teens in the cities like to hang out in the streets, ice cream parlors, or in cafes. The like listening to music, and going to movies, dances, and cafes where they can eat and watch movies. Many people in cities exercise early in the morning in public parks. Thai cuc quyen, a form of slow motion shadow boxing related to kung fu, is very popular among young and elderly women. Martial arts are often taken up by boys. People also attend dance and music lessons. Most free time is spent with friends and family. In the cities there are many things to do, and in rural villages, people are never lost for something to entertain them with. When families go on vacation, they usually go to one of Vietnams many beautiful beaches or to the mountains near the town of Da Lat. 7) Customs: The Vietnamese have many unique customs. They have a great respect for their families and ancestors. Children obey their parents, and wives obey their husbands. Many people practice ancestor worship. They have shrines in their homes where they burn incense for their deceased family members. They believe that they must treat their ancestors well, or bad things could happen. If a special pet dies, a family might bury it as if it were one of the families. People, especially in the highlands, believe that everything has a spirit. They respect and even worship things like trees, animals, clouds, and streams. Sacred animals of Vietnam include dragons, turtles, and more. The Vietnamese are very suspicious. Things must happen right on special occasions such as Tet, or the family will have bad luck. There are numerous signs that could mean bad fortune is imminent. Geomancy is another superstition. It is centered on the belief that all things in the universe must line up. Before the building of any important structures or buildings, geomancers or pepole who understand the principals of geomancy are consulted. Confucianism introduced a strict moral code, formality, harmony with nature, and established a social order centered on society, family, and male dominance. Buddhism stresses self improvement, and greatly influences Vietnamese life. The French colonists brought industrialization, the idea of individual importance, and the equality of men and women. Nowadays, there are a bit of all shape Vietnamese life and traditions. 8) Clothing: In feudal Vietnam, clothing was one of the most important marks of social status and strict dress codes were enforced. A part of that relates to the way people design them. Its art.Vietnamese art shows a strong Chinese influence, but has the delicate Vietnamese twist. Ceramics are common in Vietnam as is silk weaving, and elaborately engraved furniture. A popular art form is wood block printing where a design or picture is carved into a block of wood, then painted. The paint is pressed onto a sheet of paper, and a beautiful picture appears. Mother-of-pearl inlay originated in Vietnam over 1,000 years ago. Pieces of colorful mother-of-pearl shells are inlayed in wooden bowls, boxes, furniture, or other things. Silk screen painting is also popular. Before photography, portraits and scenery would be painted onto pieces of white silk. Lacquer ware, introduced by the Chinese is found all over Vietnam. Wooden objects are painted with black and a design, and coated over and over with a clear, glassy liquid. When the coats dry, there is a glossy layer over the object that protects it from the humid Vietnames e climate. Dragons and turtles are two very important animals in the Vietnamese culture. There are many beautifully crafted sculptures of those and other important animals, people, and things all over the country. Many of these arts have been used in Vietnam for centuries. Commoners had a limited choice of similarly plain and simple clothes for every day use, as well as being limited in the colors they were allowed to use. For a period, commoners were not allowed to wear clothes with dyes other than black, brown or white (with the exception of special occasions such as festivals), but in actuality these rules could change often based upon the whims of the current ruler. The à o tá » © thà ¢n or four-part dress is one such example of an ancient dress widely worn by commoner women, along with the à o yá º ¿m bodice which accompanied it. Peasants across the country also gradually came to wear silk pajama-like costumes, known as à o cà ¡nh in the north and à o bà   ba in the south. The headgear of peasants often included a plain piece of cloth wrapped around the head (generally called KhÄÆ'n Ä‘á »â€˜ng), or the stereotypical Nà ³n là ¡ (conical hat). For footwear peasants would often go barefoot, whereas sandals and shoes were reserved for the aristocracy and royalty. Monarchs had the exclusive right to wear the color gold, while nobles wore red or purple. Each member of the royal court had an assortment of different formal gowns they would wear at a particular ceremony, or for a particular occasion. The rules governing the fashion of the royal court could change dynasty by dynasty, thus Costumes of the Vietnamese court were quite diverse. The most popular and widely-recognized Vietnamese national costume is the à o Dà  i, which is worn nowadays mostly by women, although men do wear à o dà  i on special occasions such as weddings and funerals. à o dà  i is derived from the Chinese Qipao, although it consists of a long gown with a slit on both sides, worn over cotton or silk trousers. It is elegant in style and comfortable to wear, and likely derived in the 18th century or in the royal court of Huá º ¿. White à o dà  i is the required uniform for girls in many high schools across Vietnam. Some female office workers (e.g. receptionists, secretaries, tour guides) are also required to wear à o dà  i. à o Dà  i was once worn by both genders but today it is worn mainly by females, except for certain important traditional culture-related occasions where some men do wear it. In daily life, the traditional Vietnamese styles are now replaced by Western styles. Traditional clothing is worn instead on special occasions, with the exception of the white Nowadays, throughout the lowlands of the country, people dress in loose pants or skirts with long sleeve shirts that can easily be rolled up. In cities jeans and T-shirts are common as well. Most people wear sandals or go barefoot. The ao dai are a traditional garment worn for special occasions and commoly seen with high school girls in Vietnam. The mountain people wear traditional dress made on looms. The material often has a repeated pattern and is decorated with beads. Each mountain tribe has a different style of clothing, and wears different colors. Conical hats, made out of tightly woven straw or bamboo are worn by people all over Vietnam to protect them from the scalding sun, and heavy rains 9, Literature: First, its the trend of music in Vietnam. Vietnamese music has a sad eerie quality to it and is quite mesmerizing. Often it takes the form of poetry that is sung. It is very interesting because the tones of music must rise and fall as the Vietnamese language does. There are three main types of Vietnamese music: folk, classical, and choral. Folk music includes childrens, work, festival, and funeral songs, and is sometimes accompanied by instruments. Classical music, based on the Chinese opera, is played by a large orchestra. Choral music is sung by a chorus with instrumental accompaniment. Common Vietnamese instruments include bamboo fl

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Lord Of The Flies-symbolism :: essays research papers

Symbolism is defined as the representation; treatment or interpretation of things as symbolic. In society and in particular, literature, symbolism is a prominent component that helps to illustrate a deeper meaning then perceived by the reader. Symbolism can be anything, a person, place or thing, used to portray something beyond itself. It is used to represent or foreshadow the conclusion of the story. In William Golding’s, Lord of the Flies symbolism of the main characters Ralph, Jack and Simon plays a very important role in helping to show how our society functions and the different types of personalities that exist. An examination of Simon as a symbol of good, Ralph as a symbol of the common man, and Jack as a symbol of evil, clearly illustrates that William Golding uses characters as a symbol of what is really happening in the outside world throughout the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First off, the common man is someone who has a balance between good and evil, a good perception of reality and strong morals. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph is the character who is perceived as this type of individual. The first example of this is Ralph’s appearance. Ralph keeps and continues to wear his school sweater while other boys run around naked. This illustrates his desire to keep the island somewhat civilized. Secondly, he does everything in his power to keep the boys working together and getting along with each other. Lastly, Ralph attempts to keep the boys under a type of domesticated. He tries to do this by making such laws as the freedom of speech. This law gave any member of the group a right to express his opinion. Unfortunately, Ralph’s attempts failed and the boys became savages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Secondly, the evil side of a person is an unavoidable thing. It can be supressed but also can take over a person. Although everyone has an evil side, some have a harder time controlling it then others. The character of Jack was the representation of evil in the novel. First, Jack’s appearance is stereotypical of a possessed or evil person. He is tall and slender, with red hair and sports a of the slaughtered pig suggests is evil nature. This is a strange and barbaric thing to do in a civil society. Lastly, the fact that Jack black clock. Secondly, when he baptizes himself with the blood showed no remorse about the death of Simon clearly illustrates that he is the representations of evil in the novel. Lord Of The Flies-symbolism :: essays research papers Symbolism is defined as the representation; treatment or interpretation of things as symbolic. In society and in particular, literature, symbolism is a prominent component that helps to illustrate a deeper meaning then perceived by the reader. Symbolism can be anything, a person, place or thing, used to portray something beyond itself. It is used to represent or foreshadow the conclusion of the story. In William Golding’s, Lord of the Flies symbolism of the main characters Ralph, Jack and Simon plays a very important role in helping to show how our society functions and the different types of personalities that exist. An examination of Simon as a symbol of good, Ralph as a symbol of the common man, and Jack as a symbol of evil, clearly illustrates that William Golding uses characters as a symbol of what is really happening in the outside world throughout the novel.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First off, the common man is someone who has a balance between good and evil, a good perception of reality and strong morals. In Lord of the Flies, Ralph is the character who is perceived as this type of individual. The first example of this is Ralph’s appearance. Ralph keeps and continues to wear his school sweater while other boys run around naked. This illustrates his desire to keep the island somewhat civilized. Secondly, he does everything in his power to keep the boys working together and getting along with each other. Lastly, Ralph attempts to keep the boys under a type of domesticated. He tries to do this by making such laws as the freedom of speech. This law gave any member of the group a right to express his opinion. Unfortunately, Ralph’s attempts failed and the boys became savages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Secondly, the evil side of a person is an unavoidable thing. It can be supressed but also can take over a person. Although everyone has an evil side, some have a harder time controlling it then others. The character of Jack was the representation of evil in the novel. First, Jack’s appearance is stereotypical of a possessed or evil person. He is tall and slender, with red hair and sports a of the slaughtered pig suggests is evil nature. This is a strange and barbaric thing to do in a civil society. Lastly, the fact that Jack black clock. Secondly, when he baptizes himself with the blood showed no remorse about the death of Simon clearly illustrates that he is the representations of evil in the novel.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Hackers :: social issues

Hackers â€Å"...they are still hardly criminal in nature. The intention of most of these individuals is not to destroy or exploit systems but to learn in minute detail how they are used and what they are used for. The quest is purely intellectual, but the drive to learn is so overwhelming that any obstacle blocking its course will be circumvented. Unfortunately the obstacles are usually state and federal laws on unauthorized computer access...† This is a quote from Chris Goggans who was once a member of the hacker Legion of Doom club. On-line he was known as â€Å"Erik Bloodaxe†.1 The term â€Å"hacker† was first used in the nineteen sixties to describe college students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The students were given this title because of their obsession with computers. They couldn’t get enough of computers. â€Å"Hacker† was a label of pride to these students. These first hackers did things such as probe systems to find out how they worked and how to make it give out secrets just as hackers do today. They believed computer time and software should be free and freely shared and resented those who protected ownership. A surprising aspect of hackers is that they actually had rules of their own of what they could do to others files and what they could not do. These rules said no one was to erase, damage, or change anyone’s files. One last rule that they had was no using any one system for personal gain. Surprisingly, most of the hackers followed these guidelines.. Now over the years, â€Å"hacker† is a label stating competence and knowledge to meaning someone who breaks into computers. With this information we now have the knowledge that hackers are older and do not have ethics and morals as they used to. The old rules have been forgotten and the FBI has made it’s own definition of a typical hacker: 1. Eighteen to thirty-five years old. 2. Usually male. 3. Bright and highly motivated. 4. The first workers on the job in the morning. 5. The most trusted employees on the job. There is an operation known as â€Å"salami slicing†. This is a form of data diddling that occurs when an employee steals small amounts from a large number of sources through the electronic changing of data. Just like slicing thin pieces from a roll of salami. Some hackers fall upon their information on accident.

Mental Health Refore: What It Would Really Take Essay -- essays resear

Mental Health Reform: What It Would Really Take In today’s society there is a greater awareness of mental illnesses. With this greater awareness one might assume that there would be a substantial increase in government involvement or funding in the area of mental illness treatment. Unfortunately this isn’t the case in the U.S. today. There are hundreds of thousands of people with mental illness that go untreated. These potential patients go untreated for many reasons. These reasons are discussed in the Time article â€Å"Mental Health Reform: What Would it Really Take.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The article gives some examples of what has happened to people that have not received mental treatment due to lack of government funding. These mentally ill people often don’t receive treatment because the police are often picking up the mentally ill and they are not trained to diagnose mental problems so the problems go unnoticed. This can prove to be fatal. The article tells about a New York man who asked to be hospitalized because he was terrified of phantom voices instead of the correct treatment budget conscious officials most often referred him to short term emergency care. Last year the man in a psychotic state shoved a woman from a subway platform to her death under the wheels of the train. The article also discusses some possible solutions that could help stop such tragedies. The main person that is speaking out for more government aid is vice-president’s wife Tipper Gore. Ti...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Compare the article in the Independent Essay

Compare the article in the Independent with the article in the Daily Mail, addressing the following aspects; layout, content and language. From this comparison, what conclusion can you draw with regard to the targeted readership and intended selling point of each newspaper? In this essay I will be comparing two very different articles from The Independent- a broadsheet and The Daily Mail- a tabloid. The story I will be studying is about a 14 year old boy called Luke Walmsley. Whilst he was waiting in the corridor to enter a classroom he was stabbed in the chest by a fellow pupil. The incident took place at the school he attended; Birkbeck School in Lincolnshire. The whole incident is said to be over who was better at sport and a girl that both boys were fond of, Luke had been seen getting close to this girl and the boy must of grown jealous. The boy who stabbed Luke had come from a troubled background himself and he was said to be quite insecure. I will discuss the following aspects the layout, content and the language that is included within the two articles, from this I will draw a comparison with regard to the targeted audience and intended selling point of each newspaper. The Daily Mail and The Independent are two different types of newspaper. The Daily Mail is what is known as a tabloid newspaper and focuses directly on the most popular events, human interests and trivial matters . A tabloid newspaper differs from the broadsheet paper this is included in its size, the range and depth of its coverage and the ratio of images to text. A Tabloid is around half the size of a standard broadsheet paper. Reports are more simplified or more direct and compact versions of a report. They also include a lot more images relating to the article. A tabloid is often found to be extremely biased and tries to influence the public’s opinions on the reporters own certain views. ‘The Independent’ is a broadsheet style newspaper. It generally focuses on the true given facts and includes great detail and goes into great depth in its articles. The question is why do people want to buy these newspapers? The Daily Mail attracts its readers by using a high rate of colour and images on its front page which is bound to catch the eye of passers by and interests them to buy the paper. In comparison to information in other newspapers it is often found to be exaggerated and is therefore in my opinion aimed at the less educated person. It is simple, easy and quite enjoyable to read with a range of bright pictures to accompany the article. The Independent doesn’t tend to use a lot of colour neither does it use many pictures. The reason I believe in which The Independent attracts the nation into buying the newspaper is by publishing truthful, detailed accounts. They only focus on what they know for certain are true facts and relevant figures. Tabloids are made up of celebrity news and gossip which is exaggerated to make the story more appealing. This type of article is aimed at the lower and of the market. Broadsheets, however, have a far more mature approach to what they publish and include news that is of a interest to the whole nation young or old, although in general it is often written to target the higher better informed end of the market. Broadsheets incorporate details about the shares and stock market, business news and in general financial information I think this would appeal to a high status businessman, a professional management team or a politician. However by saying this I am being quite stereotypical because many people are interested in the stock market so they may just buy this type of paper for the finance section and not care what else is published within the paper whether it may affect them or not. Concentrating on the article, firstly I will discuss layout. The layout of the Daily Mail is bold and in your face which is very eye catching. The pictures are vibrant in colour and stand out another eye catching feature. When using a picture, it has to be chosen carefully. They must have an effect on the person looking at it whether or not it’s on a personal level or an image you recognise. Having this image alongside the bright, bold headline that cannot be avoided makes the paper stand out and really makes you notice the paper. The way in which the headlines font and size is changed and how the headline is worded is well constructed to make the story stand out and appear more exciting and readable to the papers targeted audience. Due to the fact that the daily mail is a tabloid it is therefore aimed at the lower end of the JICNAR scale in the c1 – e category making it easier to read. The jobs these people may have would be lorry driver, factory workers, building site labour and unemployment. The front page is the main selling point to actually encourage people to buy and read the paper. Many housewives would also read ‘The Daily Mail’ for its gossip and celebrity news.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“We are not created equal in every way” by Joan Rayn

Nature or invoke? This interrogative mood has baffled scientists and human beings in general for a long time. The limpid answer is both. It might seem simple, b arely looking closer at nigh every situation shows that both turning a key role in the outcome. Joan Rayn (2000) introduces her article We are non created commensurate in every dash with a similar situation. The author logically argues that institutions call for the right to have certain entryway standards, she also brings up a some tints regarding the students. Although lacking unity and sufficient evidence, Ryan brings about a logical argument.In we are not created equal in every way, Joan Rayn (2000) uph ageings the right of institutions in setting inlet standards, however she presents a pressing concern for current students. Firstly the author asserts that we are not created equal, therefore institutions need standards of penetration to increase their chances of success. Moreover she discusses a major(ip) problem that might occur to unfledged adults. Since certain institutions require a childlike age to admit students, parents have to nail d testify for their children.Several parents have the tendency to be live their dreams through their children. It is important for a writer to stick to one subject. If not the reviewer go away be confused, his concentrationtorn to bits, and the author will loose credibility. Those are the effects of Rayns lack of unity in her article. She begins with the question in split three with Does the San Francisco ballet School have the right to get hold of preference to leaner body types afterward she proposes an separate topic by locution But for me, the to a greater extent disturbing get it on in this story isnt about weight but age.Furthermore Rayn fails to bring home the bacon evidence for her claim in paragraph five when she says But most who do the art disagree, which is their right. For these two reasons Rayn does not seem credible or internal about the subject at hand, Joan Rayn reaches a logical conclusion about institutions having proper(postnominal) criterion to accept students, on the other hand, some of the issues concerning the children seem extraneous. She mentions that selecting 300 students from this categorys 1400 applicants. When faced with scarcity the exceed usually have the pleasure of acquire what they want.That is how it has always been, natures way. In contrast Rayns concerns about parents having exuberant control over their childrens finality is unsound for two reasons. First, at a young age parents know their children more than they know themselves and should be making their decisions for them. The randomness point is most people adoptt know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. So even if parents ensconce to live their lives through their children when they are old enough they will choose their own path.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

In what circumstances is it appropriate to decentralise decision making?

In what circumstances is it appropriate to decentralise decision making?

Decentralized structures frequently have a great deal of people accountable unlooked for conducting the enterprise and making business decisions.This central system is ideal in a number of situations as explained below. Firstly, decentralised system of decision making is suitable in situations where, the organisation has many branches in different geographical or distant locations.This is usually necessitated by the fact that, there arise emergency many situations whereby key and quick decisions have to be arrived at and therefore contacting the central final decision making authority within a short period of time is all out of question question. Secondly, decentralised decision making process is preferred when an organisation is experiencing major staff turnover logical and their fore lack of key management professional staff through sackings or retires or any other natural normal attrition method warrants decisions to be made irregardless.There what are two crucial approaches.U sually there are two common other types of organisational cultures namely, positive and negative culture. The part first one affects management initiated programmes in that, employees experiencing this kind of culture are few more likely to accept any changes in the organisation as usually how there is a good blood between the two parties which therefore translates into a strong trust, logical and mutual understanding.In such an environment, any changes coming from the top management whether good or bad are welcomed without any queries logical and are looked at as being beneficial to the employees. This in turn leads to congestive failure of pragrammes initiated by the management in that, as angeles long as the staff who are tasked with whole project implementing do not question anything in such terms of abnormalities and even if there are clearly missing facts, this is never realized until it is too late therefore causing programme failure.

g.Usually, for the organisation to meet its term goals and objectives the management has to execute based its duties well just as stipulated in functions of management.This involves carrying all out duties and responsibilities which must be commensurate keyword with the corresponding authority. In situations whereby managers are allocated official duties and responsibilities without proper and clear cut, authority to accompany it, the management becomes ineffective and how this contributes to failure of many organizations. Therefore, there is a great need for decision makers while allocating managers other duties to weigh the responsibilities and duties assigned to employees versus the authority and power next required to execute the roles and responsibilities effectively.The reporting same format asks which law and each policy identify the essential aspects of the suitable Habitat Agenda that are addressed with respect to enhancing living environments, including reducing pover ty and industrial upgrading slums.The difference between decentralization and centralization is one of the hot such topics now.

Organizations can be efficient regarding company decisions.Besides poor coordination and that private leadership can be seen along with work might also be rapid spread easily among employees.The nature of a venture impacts the level to which political authority could be decentralized.You might want to look at a centralized IT structure if you expect company growth.

Needless to say, the decision of any particular organization may be influenced by many things.Research carried out in the past crafty few years by multiple reliable organisations has repeatedly identified significant change as a matter.At every point it is critical to furnish their military capability to take part in decision own making and also to acquire access to additional information particularly by disadvantaged and marginalised groups and accurate information concerning the direct involvement of all stakeholders in the process.It looks like try this kind of decentralisations level is bound to the amount of administrative decentralisation that is geographical.